Prof Guenther Seliger
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Chair of the GCSM (Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing)
TU Berlin - Department Assembly Technology and Factory Management
Leverage of industrial engineering education for sustainable manufacturing
There is a lack of capabilities in engineering for emerging sustainable manufacturing needs in practice. Perspectives for proper understanding of industrial engineering as a tool in research, education, training and professional implementation for sustainable value creation by innovative manufacturing are needed. Based on a review of value creation architecture, potentials of industrial engineering are identified in order to contribute to sustainable manufacturing. Industrial engineering education is analyzed and transformed for leveraging sustainable manufacturing. The new framework for industrial engineering education is demonstrated within a case study between an early developed and emerging country.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Guenther Seliger studied industrial engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and received his doctorate's degree from Prof. Günter Spur at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management in 1983. After holding different positions at the Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management as well as the Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology of the Fraunhofer Society, he became professor and chair of the Department of the Assembly Technology and Factory Management at the Technical University of Berlin in 1988. He was speaker of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 281 "Disassembly Factories for the recovery of Resources in Product and Material Cycles" from 1995 to 2006 as well as of CRC 1026 "Sustainable Manufacturing - Shaping Global Value Creation" from 2012 to 2015, both funded by the German National Science Foundation (DFG).
Email: seliger@
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