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About SDM2017
Online Submission
Conference Leaflet

Important Dates and Deadlines

General Sessions, Invited Sessions and Workshops

General Tracks and Invited Sessions

Elective Activities

For organizational need it is necessary to register in advance to participate in the industrial visit of the 26th of April 2017: the deadline to be included in this activity is the 27th March 2017.

The possibility to participate in the visit is not guaranteed for participants who will register to the conference after the 30th of March 2017.

Visits at some prestigious companies located close to Bologna will be organized for registered participants. At the moment of registration, interested participants will have the opportunity to select one or more company in the list, which will be provided, indicating their priority order and when they will arrive in Bologna for planning. Due to the limited number of people accepted at each enterprise, the number of visitors will have to be limited on the base of the criteria first comes first served. The visit to the first indicated priority company is not guaranteed, depending on the number of participants, who will select it and on the above described criteria.

One visit only will be possible, considering also the transport time to reach the manufacturing plants, it is not feasible to visit two companies in the same afternoon, but for participants interested in more than one visit, who will spend in Bologna extra time, the organization will be able to provide support to realize them.

Participants who will reserve a visit will pay an extra price, also related to the distance between the conference venue and the factory, because the cost of the elective activities is not included in the conference fee.

Conference on
Sustainable Design
and Manufacturing
Bologna, Italy
26-28 April 2017