Prof I. S. Jawahir
Director, Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing (ISM)James F. Hardymon Chair in Manufacturing Systems, and
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506 USA
Metrics-based Integrated Predictive Performance Models for Optimized Sustainable Product Design
Implementing sustainable manufacturing principles and practices leads to innovation and sustainable value creation at product, process and system levels. In recent years, with the exponential growth in sustainable manufacturing research to meet the rapidly growing needs of industry and society, significant emphasis has been placed on designing innovative sustainable products and developing and implementing novel and advanced sustainable manufacturing processes to produce such sustainable products in automotive, aerospace, consumer products, biomedical and power industries. Sustainable manufacturing has been recognized as the driver for innovation in the manufacturing industrial sector. Achieving sustainable manufacturing targets inevitably requires a metrics-based analysis of sustainable manufacturing at product, process and systems levels.
This paper presents an overview of the 6R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, Recover, Redesign and Remanufacture) approach to promote sustainable manufacturing to enable closed-loop, multiple life-cycle material flow. The paper specifically focuses on sustainable product design for manufacture, with an in-depth analysis of product design and development processes by utilizing the novel 6R methodology. The transformation of conventional product design processes to sustainable product design/development is presented by expanding the recently-proposed metrics-based sustainable product evaluation method to include integrated predictive performance models for optimized sustainable product design. Designing sustainable products is presented as the most effective pathway towards promoting innovation and sustainable value creation.

Dr. I.S. Jawahir is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering, James F. Hardymon Endowed Chair in Manufacturing Systems, and the Founding Director of the Institute for Sustainable Manufacturing (ISM) at the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, USA). He received his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia) in 1986. His current research interests are in sustainable manufacturing, focusing on developing predictive performance models and optimization techniques for products, processes and systems. He has produced over 350 technical research papers, including 140+ refereed journal papers, and has been awarded with 4 U.S. patents. He has supervised and directed the research of 34 PhD and 85 MS graduates. He has also served as External Examiner for over 100 PhD theses and dissertations from 27 major universities in 12 countries. He has delivered 52 keynote papers in major international conferences and over 150 invited presentations in 34 countries.
Professor Jawahir has received significant research funding from U.S. Federal Agencies and from major manufacturing companies such as IBM, General Motors, Ford, General Electric - Aviation, Toyota, Sandvik, Kennametal, Lexmark, Mazak and 3M. He is a Fellow of three major professional societies: CIRP (International Academy for Production Engineering); ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers); and SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers). He is the Founding Editor- in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing, and the Technical Editor of the Journal of Machining Science and Technology. He is also currently serving as a Member of the ASME Board for Research and Technology Development (BRTD), and in 2005, he founded the ASME Research Committee on "Sustainable Products and Processes" and served as the Founding Chairman of this committee for the first six years (2005-11). Professor Jawahir is the Founder of the CIRP International Conference Series on Modeling of Machining Operations. He organized and hosted the first conference in this series in Atlanta, GA, USA in 1998. This series still continues with the 14th and 15th conferences were held in Torino, Italy in 2013, and in Karlstruhe, Germany in 2015, respectively, and the 16th conference will be held in Cluny, France in 2017. Professor Jawahir served as the Chairman of the CIRP's International Research Collaborative Working Group on "Surface Integrity and Functional Performance of Components" for four years (2007-11).
Professor Jawahir received the 2013 ASME Milton C. Shaw Manufacturing Research Medal for his outstanding research contributions to sustainable manufacturing, and was awarded the 2015 W. Johnson International Gold Medal for his lifelong achievements and contributions to materials processing research and education. In 2015, Professor Jawahir also received a prestigious Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE) Distinguished Visiting Professorship, traveled to the United Kingdom twice in 2015, and delivered a series of seven lectures on various topics in sustainable product design and manufacturing at three major universities (University of Birmingham, University of Nottingham and Sheffield University), two research centers (MTC and AMRC) and two major manufacturing companies (Rolls-Royce and Mazak Corporation).
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